Easy To Follow Care and Maintenance Tips for Kikuyu Grass

· kikuyu,turf supplies sydney,kikuyu grass,kikuyu turf
Kikuyu Grass

So many varieties of grass are available in Australia, but Kikuyu grass holds a special place in the hearts of Aussie people. It is a warm season grass ideal for Australian backyards, sporting fields, pitches, public parks, golf courses, etc. This is mainly due to its performance in all areas, including those experiencing excessive traffic. Maintenance is also not a hassle as this grass becomes easy to maintain with just some maintenance tips. This blog post has covered easy and simple care and maintenance tips for Kikuyu grass.


Kikuyu grass is a drought-resistant lawn, but regular watering is required to keep it performing at its peak all the time. While laying the turf, this soil must be adequately moist to let the grass grow well. According to the vendors of turf supplies in Sydney, Kikuyu grass is a robust grass that does not take too long to germinate. Once germination starts, you can continue watering it lightly twice or thrice daily. This helps grass develop a deep root system to thrive in drought-like conditions. Some golden rules related to watering kikuyu grass are listed below.

  • A thorough but infrequent soak encourages deep root growth and a drought-resistant lawn.
  • Watering is best done in the early morning.
  • Overwatering can cause root rot, illness, and excessive growth.


Regular mowing is also recommended for Kikuyu grass, as it grows aggressively and spreads faster than any other grass. It is the most aggressively spreading grass, and hence, mowing will be required more than usual. In the summer season, weekly mowing is recommended to keep this turf looking good. In the colder months, you can mow it once a month, as the grass goes dormant during this season.


This turf does not like shade at all, and hence, full sun is what you must deliver to it. This can be done easily by cutting it to 2-5 cm and then a brush cutter is also needed to keep the garden well fenced.


Kikuyu turf is happy to survive even in the absence of fertiliser, but slow-release fertiliser will only do good. It is recommended by the vendors of turf supplies Sydney to use slow-release fertiliser twice every year. A nitrogen-rich fertiliser is also needed if your kikuyu grass is looking for lawn and it needs some revival.


While patching is simple, addressing the root causes is critical to preventing this from happening again. This could include:

  • Taking care of pests and diseases
  • The lawn is being aerated
  • Taking down overhanging branches
  • Creating new tracks or play areas for children and pets.